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Description vadajade98

i'm a virgin (really) with lots of kinks and a very dirty mind 😝 i guess that's what happens when you watch too much porn...

here's what you can expect:
♡ high quality nudes (my fav thing to photograph is my photogenic pussy ;)), lewds, & all my naughty thoughts/fantasies (in detail.. a lot of my captions are pretty long)
♡ i have a few **short** vids, but filming isn’t comfortable for me YET, so it's not my main focus. i'm working on this though
♡ i love chatting & reply to all messages, but don't sext
♡ i send out 1-4 ppvs/month
♡ i show my face in some tit pics & sfw selfies, but that's it
♡ NO m e e t ups or private shows
♡ i’m not offering customs at this time

🚫 all content is owned by me and recording or saving any content is not allowed

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